Meet the Isivivana Centre Tenants

Isivivana Centre was established as a hub to provide office space for registered Public Benefit Organisations (PBOs) focused on serving the surrounding communities. The upper three floors of Isivivana Centre provide well maintained and secure office space for these organisations.

Equal Education

Equal Education (EE) is a community, membership-based organisation, advocating for quality and equality in the South African education system. EE are leaders in youth leadership development in South Africa and their campaigns are informed by the experiences of EE members and by policy analysis. EE strives to build understanding of the education system, while drawing attention to problems faced by schools and their communities, and offers a way for people to participate in the democratic system and bring change to education and society.

For more information visit:

Equal Education Law Centre

Founded in 2012, EELC is the sister organisation of Equal Education and is registered as a law clinic with the Cape Law Society. Its staff of social justice lawyers specialise in education policy, legal advocacy, community lawyering and public interest litigation. EELC engages in strategic litigation regarding major issues surrounding long-term educational reform, as well as working on individual cases arising from experiences of learners, parents and teachers, such as expulsions, disciplinary matters and access to schools. EELC provides legal services and representation free of charge to persons who would not otherwise be able to afford them. The legal processes pursued by EELC seek to create systemic change in the education sector.

For more information visit:


Eh!woza operates at the intersection of science communication, youth advocacy, community engagement, and skills development to merge the biomedicine of disease with its social impact. Through its various programmes Eh!woza recruits high school students and young adults from areas with high rates of HIV and TB to practical workshops that engage participants with high-impact local biomedical research. Equipped with accurate information, beneficiaries are enrolled in creative workshops that provide technical skills, equipment, and conceptual guidance, to produce documentaries, music, poetry and music videos that reflect the individual, social, and emotional cost of disease. Media is disseminated to inform the public on issues of health and disease. Eh!woza aims to encourage positive health-seeking behaviour, engender trust, and ultimately decrease stigma.

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Workers World Media Production

WWMP is a non-profit organisation that specialises in developing democratic mass media and organisational platforms nationally and in several local communities that focus on socio-economic and political issues that affect them. Its activities include mass media productions, education and training, and organising support for trade unions and working-class communities. WWWP was established in 1997 and their successes include a two decades long broadcast partnership with more than 40 community radio stations, the establishment of Cape Town TV (CTV) with a weekly 1-hour long live show, broadcasts on DSTV with high audience numbers, Elitsha community newspaper, a campaign against violence against women in the mining industry that resulted in the conviction of the perpetrator responsible for the brutal rape and murder of Binky Mosiane after the case had gone cold for 18 months, and a feature length documentary film, Freedom Isn’t Free that won international plaudits and awards and has been regularly broadcast on ENCA since 2019.

For more information visit:


Empilweni was established in 1994 at the request of the Khayelitsha community and has been providing psychological counselling to troubled children and their parents for the past 24 years. Empilweni employs and trains social workers and social auxiliary workers to provide assessments and counselling for children and youth with mental health conditions. The counsellors receive regular supervision from a clinical psychologist. Empilweni is the only community-based centre for child and adolescent mental health counselling in Khayelitsha and Mfuleni, and the only facility which provides counselling in isiXhosa. Empilweni has a transfer payment agreement with the Provincial Department for Social Development which partially subsidises its services.

For more information visit:


The Anova Health Institute is an NGO that is recognised for its innovative responses, thought leadership and research in HIV. Good health and quality of life are what motivates Anova to provide healthcare solutions and support for those who need it most. With a specific focus on HIV, Anova’s work is built on a foundation of research to ensure that funds are focused where they can make the most difference. Much of Anova’s work is centred in South Africa, where Anova is a trusted partner of the Department of Health. It is committed to bolstering the public healthcare system through skills building, improved recordkeeping and monitoring, management training and improved client flow. By identifying opportunities to enhance public health, Anova is making significant contributions to sustainable healthcare infrastructure.

For more information visit:

Ilitha Labantu

Ilitha Labantu, established in 1989, is a social service and educational organisation that focuses on addressing violence against women and children and supporting those affected by it. Through individual and family counselling as well as skills training, empowerment and capacity-building workshops, Ilitha meet the needs of communities affected by high levels of violence and limited socio-economic opportunities. By being located within the residential areas of its target group, Ilitha is able to provide easily accessible services to gender-based violence survivors and the broader community. As an experienced civil society organisation, Ilitha is a trusted advisor to government and community processes related to the prevention and elimination of violence against women and children.

For more information visit:


Silulo Technologies

Silulo Technologies is a community business and career centre with a complete service offering to bridge the digital divide. Silulo’s centre not only provides internet access but also addresses socioeconomic inequalities within communities. The centre uplifts and upskills communities by offering economic opportunities for career seekers, and aspirational business owners and entrepreneurs. It also provides valuable education by bridging the gap created by unequal education opportunities and ensures digital connectedness by providing affordable internet access to those who need it most. The Silulo team is also on hand to offer other essential digital services through access to technology, technical and business support.


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Project 90 by 2030

Project 90 by 2030 is a social and environmental justice organisation inspiring and mobilising South African society towards a sustainably developed and equitable low-carbon future by means of a just energy transition. The organisation works with stakeholders and decision makers to identify policies and actions that support climate justice, with a specific focus on developing environmental leadership in our youth, and increasing people’s ability to engage government – through active public participation – to address climate change, energy poverty, and the social injustices that intersect in their communities.

To find out more visit:

Mhlongo Attorneys

Mhlongo Attorneys offers comprehensive legal services at affordable rates. The team of attorneys are always willing to listen and strive to offer service excellence through effective problem solving. The founder of Mhlongo Attorneys, Lwazi Mhlongo, completed his LLB degree at the University of Western Cape in 2013 and served his articles at the Legal Aid Board. He established his firm in 2016 with the aim of offering the public a service where they would not simply feel like another file reference number, but where a personal and trusting relationship could be established between attorney and client.

For more information visit:

Vuka Research Clinic

Vuka is a mash-up between a university affiliated research group with roots going back more than 15 years, and an NPC start-up wanting to gain breadth and depth in community impact. The team includes community health workers, counsellors, data, coordination and administration staff, as well as professionally registered pharmacists, nurses and doctors, and team of laboratory staff. The complementary skills and expertise of this diverse team position Vuka as a leading in clinical research site. It is the passion of each individual team member that drives the change we collectively seek in the world. The team’s tireless work during the COVID-19 pandemic allowed us to pivot, grow, centre people at the focus of our operations, and ultimately gave rise to the entity of Vuka. This trajectory has allowed us to foster collaborations, and begin to plan how we will realise wellness initiatives in Khayelitsha.

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